Chiropractic Regulations
In 2006, the Ministry of Public Health issued a declaration on the licensing of Chiropractic in Thailand. Here are the key points to the declaration.
Definition of Chiropractic: The science of Chiropractic means an action to a human in relation with examining, diagnosing, treating, and promoting physical health specifically in the part of the spine, and related tissue without using drugs of surgery.
To Practice Chiropractic Legally in Thailand, Chiropractors Must Meet the Following Criteria:
Not be Below the Age of 20.
Not be a Handicapped Person.
Not be Insane or Otherwise Mentally Disordered.
Graduated from an Approved Chiropractic College: The Thailand Chiropractic Association in collaboration with the Chiropractic Subcommittee has been given the authority to certify which college programs are considered adequate for being granted permission to take the Chiropractic exam. College programs must be of the Doctor of Chiropractic (DC degree) level. For colleges that use the Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree programs, those interested in sitting the examination must attain both the Bachelor of Science Degree and the more advanced Master of Science Degree.
Must Be of Good Moral Character, Must Not be Addicted to Drugs, and Must Not Have Been Convicted of a Crime Which Would Cause Harm to the Reputation of Commission of Practice to the Art of Healing: Note: Every Chiropractor who applies to take the exam undergoes a rigorous background check which includes confirmation from their home country’s law enforcement agencies that no criminal record is present. This includes finger print records being submitted to both the Thai Police Department and the Law enforcement agencies of the Chiropractors home country, such as the FBI in the United States of America, for Citizens of America. A professional background check is also performed to screen for any previous cases of professional misconduct such as malpractice.
All foreigners must meet the 3-year residency rule. The 3-year residency rule requires foreign nationals to spend 6 months a year for 3 years in Thailand to meet the residency requirement.
Must Pass the Chiropractic Examination in Thailand: The examination is a rigorous 2-day exam covering written basic sciences such as spinal anatomy, neurology, physiology, and biomechanics, as well as written clinical sciences including pathology, differential diagnosis, radiology, orthopedics, and neurology. A written section on Chiropractic theory is also included in the exam. A practical examination is also administered in medical clinical sciences and Chiropractic technique. Thailand health law and ethics is also tested in another section of the exam. Finally, an interview is given at the end of the exam. The official language of the exam is the Thai language. The examination is administered by a team of Thai Medical Doctors as well as Chiropractors who have already passed the licensing examination in Thailand. Upon passing the Chiropractic Examination, a Chiropractor is issued a Chiropractic Permit.

Chiropractic Must be Performed in a Licensed Clinic or a Hospital: A licensed clinic will always have a sign in front of the clinic or in the front window with the name of the clinic and the clinic’s registration number displayed on the sign.

Inside the clinic, the Chiropractor’s Professional Blue Permit should be displayed prominently in the clinic where it is easy to see. The permit should not be kept in a back office where the public can not readily see it upon entering the clinic. The Professional Blue Permit will Have the Chiropractors name, description of the profession (Chiropractor in Thai letters), permit number and a stamp of authenticity. Above is a sample of a Chiropractic Permit.
It is illegal to perform Chiropractic in venues other than a licensed clinic such as a spa or fitness center. We hear reports occasionally of Chiropractors working in spas or health resorts, particularly in the tourist areas such as Koh Samui, Krabi, Phuket, Hua Hin, and Chiang Mai. Unlike spas, health resorts and fitness centers, licensed clinics undergo inspections to assure the quality of services provided. Chiropractors working in these non-medical facilities are working illegally. They pose a risk to the public because they have not been properly screened or assessed for professional competence. The last thing we want is to have some Chiropractor lose his license in another country for professional misconduct and then come here to Thailand to further endanger the public. There have also been cases in the past when people with no formal Chiropractic training at all have promoted themselves as Chiropractors in Thailand.
Another tactic that has been used by some unlicensed Chiropractors in Thailand, is to practice without taking the examination and simply attempt to call what they are doing something other than Chiropractic, such as practicing as a “Musculoskeletal Specialist”, or a “Manual Therapist”, or a Thai Massage therapist, or any other kind of massage therapist. Some unlicensed Chiropractors in Thailand have taken Thai Massage courses in places like Wat Po with the idea of using such a certificate to treat patients. This is still illegal. For a Chiropractor to treat patients in any way in Thailand, a Chiropractic Permit, not a certificate of completion of a Thai Massage course, must be obtained by the Ministry of Public Health.
In Addition to Meeting the Requirements Listed Above, All foreign Chiropractors must also Obtain a Work Permit to practice legally in Thailand. To obtain a Work Permit, the company that owns the clinic must apply for the Work Permit through the Ministry of Labor, Department of Employment, on behalf of the foreign Chiropractor. The company must add 2 million baht of capital to the company bank account for each work permit obtained. The company must also employ 4 full time Thai employees for each foreigner the company gets a Work Permit for. In other words, if the company hires 1 foreign Chiropractor, they must add 2 million baht to the company account and hire 4 full time Thai staff. If the company hires 2 foreign Chiropractors, they must to add 4 million baht of capital to the company account and hire 8 full time Thai staff.
To apply for the Work Permit, the company must bring the foreign Chiropractor to the Ministry of Labor to apply in person. If the Ministry of Labor approves the application for a Work Permit, a Blue Book that looks similar to a passport is issued to the foreigner. The Blue Book is intended to be held in the possession of the foreigner and not held by the company. The foreigner should have the Work Permit in his or her possession while working. It is a serious offense for a foreigner to work in Thailand without a Work Permit. If a foreign Chiropractor is arrested for working illegally without a Work Permit, they will be disqualified from taking the Chiropractic Examination in Thailand (see above requirement for not being convicted of a crime that would cause harm to the reputation of the Commission of the Practice of the Art of Healing).

Above is a sample of what a work permit looks like.
All Licensed Chiropractors Must Attend an Approved Relicensing Seminar of 12 Hours Every 2 Years.
The Chiropractic Subcommittee
The Declaration on the licensing of Chiropractors called for the establishment of a Chiropractic Subcommittee at the Ministry of Public Health to oversee the administration of the Chiropractic Declaration. The Subcommittee is comprised of Chiropractors, other health care professionals of various specialties, and bureaucrats working at the Ministry of Public Health. It is important to note that all of the Chiropractors on the Subcommittee are members of the Thailand Chiropractic Association.
Why is Regulation Necessary?
The main objective of regulation is to protect the public from possible harm. Chiropractic is a demanding profession which requires years of training and practice to master. When someone without proper training attempts to perform Chiropractic techniques on someone, they put that person at great risk of injury. Unfortunately, Thailand has a reputation for attracting people of questionable backgrounds which makes screening all the more important.
Below is a list of all the Chiropractors who currently have Chiropractic Permits. All Chiropractors with Chiropractic Permits are members of the Thailand Chiropractic Association. By choosing a Chiropractor from the list below, you can be assured the Chiropractor is legally allowed to practice in Thailand and has been properly screened for both professional competence and has no record of past wrongdoing that could endanger a potential patient. If you are being treated by a Chiropractor in Thailand who is not on the list of the 33 chiropractors below, they are practicing illegally.
List of the only Legal Chiropractors in Thailand: Note: DC stands for Doctor of Chiropractic
Sorasish Saengnak, “Oat”, DC
Teerasak Rodphaung DC
Mark Leoni DC
Ruj Rojjanasrirat DC
Santi Chai DC
Chase Schneier DC
Jet Thongvichit DC
Yupin Thongvichit DC
Jane Thongvichit-Chin DC
Jeff Thongvichit DC
Patrick Erickson DC
Thomas Walton DC
Park Jinhee DC
Suchit Tusiri DC
Niwat Narin DC
Chonan Jirahathaitham DC
Samuel Adams DC
Joseph Surette DC
Vorrawat Borvornrubporn DC
Rungthiwa Charoensetthakit DC
Worawit Chaichanta DC
Narathip Tiyaratanachai DC
Derek Patriquin DC
Beomjoon Kim, DC
Nutt Narawit DC
Jefri Metheany DC
Mau Minh Huynh DC
Andrew Bryant DC
Justin Bashor DC
Eunhwan Choi DC
Kevin Hamasaki DC
Seungyong Park DC
Tom Smith DC